In a record year for deals and fundraising, the 25 rising stars of European private equity stand out... Lire l'article >
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Alexandre Adler était l’invité de l’Heure H du lundi 1er avril 2019 Panorama géopoliti... Lire l'article >
Those citizens whose lives are arguably the most “European” are the least politically represented in... Lire l'article >
Alternative meat, Seafood – without the sea, Dried food...A taste of the future by HEC alumni workin... Lire l'article >
Abstract When our self-esteem is threatened (in terms of intelligence, power, social standing, etc.... Lire l'article >
Best Buy Co Inc said on Monday Chief Executive Officer Hubert Joly would step down from his role in ... Lire l'article >
The cheese company Bel decided to leave tradition behind and carve out a new market niche for itself... Lire l'article >
What do you need to know before creating a “shadow board” of younger employees, made up of men and w... Lire l'article >
We once imagined people gobbling down “meal pills” for lunch. But times have changed. Tomorrow’s foo... Lire l'article >
The Big Boss © Anje Jager Xavier Niel doesn’t particularly enjoy talking about himself, and that’s... Lire l'article >
William Arata (H.05) Asset manager at the Banque de France and holder of a master’s degree in resear... Lire l'article >
Standard Chartered PLC’s $1.1 billion settlement could serve as an example of how U.S. sanctions enf... Lire l'article >
Emmanuelle Wargon was recently appointed by the French president to lead the Great Debate. Last Febr... Lire l'article >
The equity story is an essential component in the valuation of a company. Alexandra Prigent-Labeis, ... Lire l'article >
© Éric Giriat 1. What does the manifesto say? Rebeca Doctors (MSc.19), student at HEC and at École... Lire l'article >
In a single bound In terms of superpowers, Joy comes from pedigree. “My father was a taekwond... Lire l'article >
Hélène de Rugy (H.77) saw her life take a 180-degree turn the day she chose a career in social servi... Lire l'article >
For two weeks and in real-life conditions, Flavia Sanches and Arthur Haimovici (not Lionel, who was ... Lire l'article >
By Marianne Gérard (H.98) Shapr, what is it? A free-to-download professional networking app that u... Lire l'article >
A plastic world For Cassandre Delage (M. 17), it seems obvious: if we do not recycle enough in Fran... Lire l'article >
By Fabienne Mailfait (H.88) Since 1997 After years in consulting and finance, I joined some former... Lire l'article >
Full steam ahead on the train of awakening In India, entrepreneurship is rolling along nicely. Eve... Lire l'article >
No cash Out of the bar and straight to the top Another grand idea hatched in a bar. In 2011, two H... Lire l'article >
Abstract : Although an ever-growing number of EPA (Embodied Physical Action) robots are being integ... Lire l'article >
Picture the polar opposite of the intensive production of Indian textile factories. Gamchha opted fo... Lire l'article >
Hafida Guebli developed Neyb’s, an app dedicated to good neighborliness. Living together 2.0 ... Lire l'article >
In the age of mass tourism, how can we reconcile ethical concerns and the desire to travel? It is a ... Lire l'article >
Alvaro Montenegro’s (MBA.83) answer from Venezuela Venezuela is heading for disaster. Roughly... Lire l'article >
Abstract To plan activities and move from one to the next, human beings can rely on an external clo... Lire l'article >