Arnaud Vagner (H.01) is the man behind Iceberg Research, the financial-analysis firm that brought do... Lire l'article >
After earning her diploma from HEC in 2013, she quickly made a name for herself in the nautical worl... Lire l'article >
Hermance loves Asia. Brought up on Mulan animated films from an early age, she studied Chinese in hi... Lire l'article >
Ever since they met in an HEC class, they have stayed in touch. They each write novels and they join... Lire l'article >
In the beginning, music was supposed to be something he did in the evening or on weekends, to pass t... Lire l'article >
Ariane Mohseni (H.16) followed a path that was both traditional and brilliant: preparatory class, HE... Lire l'article >
“I was tired of being ‘just’ a good student and not knowing how to do anything with my h... Lire l'article >
Vanessa Lamorre-Cargill (E.16) does not hear quite like most of us. But she turned what could have b... Lire l'article >
Just this once, we’re going to school this Monday morning, to a grade five class. We’re at Lucie Aub... Lire l'article >
She hosts one of France’s most-watched economy-oriented talk shows, “L’Heure H” (“The H Hour”). We f... Lire l'article >
Emmanuelle Wargon was recently appointed by the French president to lead the Great Debate. Last Febr... Lire l'article >
In a single bound In terms of superpowers, Joy comes from pedigree. “My father was a taekwond... Lire l'article >
Hélène de Rugy (H.77) saw her life take a 180-degree turn the day she chose a career in social servi... Lire l'article >
Ancien pilote de chasse, passé par Ferrari F1, Massimo Tammaro (T.15) collectionne les exploits de v... Lire l'article >