After a first life in the packaging sector, Thomas Jonas (H.93) traded his industrial hat to develop... Lire l'article >
Our articles
According to the UN, 20 million people are forcibly displaced ever year by to climate-related events... Lire l'article >
After ten years of entrepreneurial adventures, Tatiana Jama (M.08) has co-created Sista, a collectiv... Lire l'article >
1. Why does inflation suddenly reappear? Tomasz Michalski, Associate Professor of Macroeconomics at ... Lire l'article >
After 15 years at the head of large companies, including Best Buy, which he turned around and revita... Lire l'article >
Amr Metwally (E.16) was meant for a great career as a midfield player in a big football club of Alex... Lire l'article >
Not your average auctioneer, this art lover and graduate of both HEC (H.94) and the École du Louvre ... Lire l'article >
Jean-Paul Agon – CEO of L’Oréal 1956 – Born in Boulogne-Billancourt; parents were a top manage... Lire l'article >
Join in for the 1st event of the newly created HEC UK Governance Club, led by UK Alumni Nathalie Ro... Lire l'article >
Ban ads? When it comes to advertising, HEC alums have differing opinions. Incentive Banning won’t ... Lire l'article >
Irresponsible? It’s 2018, right in the middle of the summer sales. Among all the ads plastering sub... Lire l'article >
Is Happiness in the Field? “Head for the countryside” seemed to be the guiding principle of the fir... Lire l'article >
What’s Remo? It’s a networking software, very nice visually and fairly intuitive. Its interface is ... Lire l'article >
Abstract The coronavirus healthcare crisis has provoked many countries to implement social-distanci... Lire l'article >
Abstract The Internet bubble, the financial crash, the Covid 19 pandemic… Crises keep happe... Lire l'article >
Abstract Using administrative data on the careers of French employees, our study reveals a long-ter... Lire l'article >
We all want to feel good about our jobs. But how can we meet our goals without feeling overworked an... Lire l'article >
Introduce yourself, find a way to reach your audience, stimulate their interest, all in less than 12... Lire l'article >
In professional life, it’s sometimes hard to stay focused. You’re constantly interrupted to deal wit... Lire l'article >
The ex-professional volleyball player Jean Hornain (MBA ’88) has become a champion of the circular e... Lire l'article >
A student at Science Po and HEC Paris, Iris Maréchal (H.21) co-founded l’Observatoire étudiant des v... Lire l'article >
“Du pin, du vin, du Boursin” (“Bread, wine, Boursin”), “C’est Shell que j’aime” (“Shell is the one I... Lire l'article >
As overconsumption threatens the planet, we ask ourselves: isn’t advertising a bit responsible for o... Lire l'article >
With a diploma in psychology and a specialty in stress management, Marion Buchet is one of the rare ... Lire l'article >
1. On social and environmental issues, Amazon’s track record is abysmal. Benoît Berthelot, journali... Lire l'article >
Sébastien Bazin, President and General Director of Accor 1961 – Born in Boulogne-Billancourt 1985 – ... Lire l'article >
In Beirut, time stopped at 6:08 PM on August 4, 2020. On that day, Lebanon’s capital was violently s... Lire l'article >