Interim management: a strategic choice of governance

Since 2001, NIM Europe has been an expert in identifying and selecting interim managers best fitted for French and international companies’ operational challenges and urgent needs. CEO Stéphane Mellinger enlightens us on this expanding market.
“We qualify highly experienced interim managers who are not afraid of taking risks”
What exactly does working in transition management entail?
Stéphane Mellinger: We have three roles: be in contact with companies and identify their needs, qualify transition managers who can meet these needs and who are available immediately, and then follow up on the assignment. As they have a lot of experience, they can take up an assignment in a sector they know nothing about. Once the assignment is completed, the interim manager leaves the company. Transition management in France represents about 700 million euros in turnover. For 10 years, the business was crisis-oriented: site closures, company restructuring… Today, crisis management represents only 10% of our assignments.
What does it take to be an interim manager?
S.M.: Not everyone is cut out for the job. A wide range of experience is required as well as the ability to adapt to an unfamiliar context, quickly orientate yourself, make the necessary decisions to move forward. Not everyone likes to take risks, not everyone likes to decide. You also must be geographically mobile. Given the degree of experience they have accumulated, most managers are highly experienced. The average age of an interim manager is around 50-55.
Is there a sector that particularly requires your services?
S.M.: Historically, the industrial sector is the most in demand for transition management assignments. It is a fast moving, everchanging segment of the economy, and factories are hit by fluctuating energy prices and tensions on the supply chain. Industrial missions represent 55% of our assignments. 40% are in the service sector: banking, insurance, investment funds, etc. Then come the NGOs and the public and parapublic sectors. The emergence of the medico-social sector – hospitals, retirement homes – in our field is quite recent. At NIM, we now have a dedicated practice.
What would you say to a fresh HEC graduate who is interested in your field?
S.M.: Many interim managers are HEC graduates, people who, at some point, want to take control over their career, become more autonomous. We are also interested in creating vocations. We welcome trainees and young alumni for internal opportunities in social media communication or to join our team of researchers, in charge of sourcing, identifying and qualifying interim managers.
Stéphane Mellinger
An alumnus of ESCP Europe and the CEO of NIM Europe, this 20+ year expert in transition management started his career managing subsidiaries for Xerox and Invensys in Russia, Germany, and Central Europe.

NIM Europe
Present on the French market since 2001, NIM Europe is a pure-player in interim management. Their team gathers experienced consultants who have held operational responsibilities in international companies. NIM’s candidate databases contain nearly 8,000 potential candidates, who can respond within a short timeframe to all corporate functions in France and abroad.
Published by Eva Tamouro