USA-Midwest : HEC alumni at the forefront of food production innovation
The HEC Alumni Midwest chapter organized a talk on April 4, 2019 in Chicago featuring guest speaker Thomas Jonas (H.93), CEO and co-founder of Sustainable Bioproducts (, a biotechnology startup backed by Danone, Silicon Valley VCs and Bill Gates with a disruptive protein production technology derived from research for NASA on extraterrestrial life forms. The event was hosted by Christine Laurens (H.94), CFO of AT Kearney in the Chicago office and the Alumni Chapter VP events Alexandra Gantier-Hochart (H.15). This was a fascinating presentation that captivated the audience as the potential of this breakthrough protein manufacturing process seems very promising. At a time when the world needs to find more efficient and environmentally friendly ways to supply proteins, this technology could really be an alternative to industrial breeding techniques. Many aspects were debated such as the health, safety and marketing aspects of the project for an inspiring evening.
Myriam Le Cannellier (M.89)

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