Recently appointed President of Eurogroup Consulting, Claudia Montero (H.97), has built an impressive career within the firm. Here’s a look back at her flawless journey.

Why did you choose consulting?

Claudia Montero: Upon graduating from HEC, I had a broad range of interests. Consulting seemed like a way to continue exploring various environments and working with different stakeholders. I was also drawn to the idea of helping economic players solve their problems—I chose this profession to have an impact. And because it’s a field where you never stop learning. Initially, you learn by doing. Then, as you grow, you also learn by supervising a different team for every new project. Eventually, you learn how to become an ambassador for your firm.

Why Eurogroup Consulting in particular?

C.M.: When I joined in 1997, Eurogroup Consulting was a small strategy and transformation consultancy with just 70 employees. What set it apart was its entrepreneurial spirit and independence—it was 100% owned by its partners. The firm’s goal was to become a benchmark in the French consulting market. During my interviews, I met serious professionals who didn’t take themselves too seriously, and that appealed to me. I’ve grown alongside Eurogroup, which will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2032: the age of reason (laughs).
The firm has grown through deliberate and sustainable choices. It’s still 100% owned by its employees, with 95% held by its partners. I found great freedom there and the opportunity to shape my career by developing projects that interested me. That’s why I stayed. Such loyalty might seem atypical in an industry where job-hopping is common, but long-term careers in consulting are not as rare as one might think. They allow you to work on more projects and have a greater influence on the company’s direction. That said, I’m not promoting any single model—success is about fulfilling yourself in whatever path you choose.

What has been your journey within Eurogroup Consulting?

C.M.: I started as a consultant, working on restructuring projects for clients in industries such as energy and transportation, primarily in the private sector and internationally. When I became a manager in 2003, I decided to develop our business in healthcare, a field I was passionate about, both on the public and private sides. This experience led me to become deeply involved in supporting the public sector. Starting in 2010, I collaborated with central administrations and local governments  that were striving to modernize within the French model.
Throughout my career, I’ve been convinced of the importance of engaging our clients’ teams to ensure that we implement projects with them, not against them. Since 2019, I’ve spearheaded the development of collective intelligence practices, which played a role in structuring and facilitating citizen conventions like the Citizens’ Convention on Climate. At the same time, I’ve always been actively involved at Eurogroup. I served as an employee representative early on, then joined the works council, and eventually became secretary of the social and economic committee. I was co-opted as a partner in 2010, joined the executive committee two years later, and was responsible for restructuring our HR policies. After the COVID-19 pandemic, I was named CEO, and now I’ve been elected president for the 2024-2027 term.

What’s your vision for the future?

C.M.: I’ve inherited a strong organization. Our first objective is to strengthen it further—continue expanding our client portfolio and amplify our international growth. This is essential if we want to achieve our second goal: enhancing our societal impact. Employment is one of my key priorities. Along with finance, consulting is one of the top employers of young graduates. As recruiters, we have a role to play in energizing the job market by attracting diverse profiles. That’s why we’ve launched an initiative to combat age-related hiring discrimination in consulting. Through the “Rebound Program,” 10% of our new hires are consultants over the age of 45. This initiative will soon be complemented by others aimed at supporting individuals with disabilities. Eurogroup Consulting is also committed to the ecological transition. We are leading a group of organizations that drafted a Charter of Commitments for the Regenerative Consulting Community, following the Corporate Climate Convention (CEC).

How is the consulting sector responding to economic and societal changes?

C.M.: The concept of usefulness is at the heart of our mission, which our partners unanimously adopted: “Shedding light on your challenges, shaping and transforming the future together.” In a context of uncertainty and change, organizations seek performance, but not just any performance—they want responsible and sustainable results, in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. This requires thinking about eco-design, business circularity, and more. Companies also look for guidance on technological innovation, whether it’s artificial intelligence—already transforming the workplace—or broader IT systems.
Our clients also want to ensure their ethical foundations are solid and seek advice on talent management and diversity, with a focus on inclusion. With increasing regulations and standards, compliance is a major concern, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that lack the administrative infrastructure to navigate this complex system. Lastly, clients need to build continuity plans to address geopolitical, health, and cyber risks.

What are your fondest memories from HEC?

C.M.: My time at HEC was incredible. I have fond memories of lectures in the Blondeau auditorium, BDE and JE campaigns, and especially the first interschool women’s rugby tournament. With support and training from the men’s team, we won the match against Polytechnique, even though their players were far more experienced than we were!

What is your relationship with the HEC community today?

C.M.: HEC represents personal friendships and an immediate sense of connection with other alumni. Eurogroup Consulting is a member of the Club Campus and supports several student associations. I also work with HEC Alumni and regularly speak at HEC Life Project events. Last year, we sponsored the 50th anniversary of gender diversity at HEC, and we are currently preparing the next Prix Trajectoires with HEC We&Men.

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